Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Latin Via Proverbs 7

The proverbs in Group 7 carry on with proverbs featuring second declension nouns and adjectives. As you will see, each of these proverbs contains a preposition which takes the accusative case.

I hope these notes will help you tackle this group of proverbs in Latin Via Proverbs. Please note: to read the proverbs in Latin, you need to acquire a copy of the book from! What I am providing here in the blog are notes to help people who are making their way through the book either in a Latin class or on their own.

Group 7

82. Through things that are even and things that are adverse. (It's hard to capture in English the delightful simplicity of the Latin. A good English equivalent would be "through thick and thin.")

83. Through narrow straits to majestic achievements. (Notice the lovely sound play in the Latin!)

84. Through adversities to the stars. (This is the state motto of Kansas. I've got a list of Latin state mottoes at the Bestiaria Latina blog.)

85. Through harships to the heights. (It's hard to match the elegant simplicity of the Latin in English, but I did my best.)

86. To the top through difficulties. (Literally the Latin word summa means "the top things," plural. )

87. After games, on to the serious things. (Notice that you have a masculine plural accusative ludos and a neuter plural accusative seria.)

88. After the clouds, the sun. (Phoebus here refers to Phoebus Apollo, a sun god.)

89. After bitter experiences, cautiously. (The verb is implied here, something like "act cautiously" or "choose cautiously," so that you will not endure bitter experiences again.)

90. After the war, the reward. (Literally the Latin proelium is closer to the English word "battle" than "war," but I wanted to try to capture the nice sound play of the Latin in the English here.)

91. After the war, assistance. (Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable offers these English comparisons: "After death, the doctor," and "After meat, mustard.")

92. Help after the battle is late. (You can see this phrase used in Livy, Ab Urbe Condita 3.6.)

93. Advice after deeds is late. (This is something like the idea of "20/20 hindsight" - it may be accurate, but it's useless.)

94. Athansius against the world. (Some background: Athanasius of Alexandria was a fourth-century Christian bishop who was famous for his opposition to Arianism. At certain moments in the fourth century, Arianism was on the rise, but Athanasius never flagged in his opposition to Arius, which gave rise to this proverb: even when all others had yielded, Athansius stood alone against the world.)

This blog post is part of an evolving online guide for users of the book Latin Via Proverbs.

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