Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Latin Via Proverbs 61

I hope these notes will help you tackle this group of proverbs in Latin Via Proverbs. This group features sayings with forms of alius and ipse.

Please note: to read the proverbs in Latin, you need to acquire a copy of the book from lulu.com! What I am providing here in the blog are notes to help people who are making their way through the book either in a Latin class or on their own.

Group 61

810. Love is one thing, desire is another. (This is a fragment from the comic poet Afranius, cited by Servius. Cato says something similar: Aliud est Amor, longe aliud est Cupido, "Love is one thing, desire is another thing by far.")

811. One thing on the lips, another thing in the heart. (Compare this fuller form of the saying: Aliud corde premunt, aliud ore promunt, "They conceal one thing in their heart, and they offer another thing with their mouth.")

812. Wine is one thing, drunkenness is another. (You can find this saying cited in Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy.)

813. One bad thing comes from another. (You can find this saying in Terence.)

814. A change in life, a change in way of life. (This is a saying found in Erasmus's Adagia, 1.9.6.)

815. Other times, other customs. (In other words, customs change with the times. A variant form of this saying is Alia aetas alios mores postulat, "Another age demands other customs.")

816. Other men, other characters. (This saying is adapted from Tacitus.)

817. For some the tongue, for others the teeth. (This is a saying you will find in Erasmus's Adagia, 3.2.72. He notes that people at a party can be divided into these two groups: the people who talk and talk, and the people who do nothing but eat. A variant saying is Alteri loquaces, alteri voraces, "some are talkers; others are eaters.")

818. Drunkenness is nothing other than a voluntary madness. (This is a saying from Seneca.)

819. All of life is nothing other than a journey to death. (This is from Seneca, in his consolation to Polybius.)

820. A man is nothing other than shadow and a puff of air. (You can find this saying illustrated in the emblems of Vaenius.)

821. Virtue itself is its own reward. (You can find this statement in one of the panegyrics of Claudianus. Spinoza likewise writes Beatitudo non est virtutis premium, sed ipsa virtus, "Blessedness is not the prize of virtue, but virtue itself.") Ipsa virtus pretium suum.

822. Knowledge itself is power. (You can read a commentary on a related saying at AudioLatinProverbs.com.)

823. Labor itself is a pleasure. (This is a commonly found Latin motto.)

824. Nothing is more dangerous to someone than he himself is. (This is a saying found in Cicero. Compare the English saying, "Every man is his own worst enemy.")

825. The greedy man himself is the cause of his own wretchedness. (This is one of the sayings attributed to Publilius Syrus.)

826. After death there is nothing, and death itself is nothing. (This is a saying found in Seneca's Troades.)

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