Saturday, June 02, 2007

Latin Via Proverbs 99

I hope these notes will help you tackle this group of proverbs in Latin Via Proverbs. This is another group of proverbs with first conjugation verbs, present active indicative.

Please note: to read the proverbs in Latin, you need to acquire a copy of the book from! What I am providing here in the blog are notes to help people who are making their way through the book either in a Latin class or on their own.

Group 99

1287. Other lives demand other habits. (This saying is adapted from Terence.)

1288. The owl sounds one way, the crow another. () Aliud noctua sonat, aliud cornix.

1289. A person always thinks one thing, Fortune another. (You can find this saying in Publilius Syrus.)

1290. God does not grant all things to one person. (A fuller form of the phrase is Non uni dat cuncta Deus, sed gratia cuivis est sua, "God does not give everything to one person, but his grace is for anyone at all.")

1291. He gives twice-over who gives quickly. (You can find this saying expressed in many forms in Latin: bis dat, qui dat celeriter, beneficium celeritas gratius facit, etc.)

1292. He gives nothing who is delays the gift-giving. (There are many variations on this notion, for example, ingratum gratia tarda facit, "gratitude that is late makes a man ungrateful.")

1293. He who gives to a poor man, gives to God. (Compare the variant Deo dat, qui dat inopibus, "He gives to God who gives to those who are impoverished.")

1294. He loves truly who loves gratis. (The Latin word gratis is now regularly used as an English word.)

1295. Whatever sparkles is not gold. (Compare the more complex form, Aurea ne credas quaecumque nitescere cernis, "Do not believe to be gold whatever you see sparkle.")

1296. No one loves the man who brings words that are bad. (Compare the English saying, "Nobody likes the bringers of bad news.")

1297. Who avoids the mill, avoids flour. (This saying makes its way into Erasmus's Adagia, 3.3.59.)

1298. He who does not work does not eat. (This saying makes its way into Rabelais.)

1299. He who loves me, he loves my dog also. (This saying is attributed to Saint Bernard.)

1300. Every fox praises her own tail. (Compare the wonderful Aesop's fable of the poor fox without a fail.)

1301. He who prepares evil for another prepares evil for himself. (You can find this in Erasmus's Adagia, 4.8.56.)

1302. The wise man corrects his own defect from the defect of another. (You can find this saying in Publilius Syrus.)

1303. Fortune gives too much to many, and to none enough. (You can find this in one of Martial's epigrams, and also in Publilius Syrus.)

1304. A roast pigeon flies through the air into no one's mouth. (Compare the similar saying Non volat in buccas assa columba tuas, "A roast pigeon does not fly into your mouth.")

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