Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Latin Via Proverbs 174

I hope these notes will help you tackle this group of proverbs in Latin Via Proverbs. This group includes present active indicative forms of the verb eo.

Please note: to read the proverbs in Latin, you need to acquire a copy of the book from lulu.com! What I am providing here in the blog are notes to help people who are making their way through the book either in a Latin class or on their own. You can find more Study Guide material at the LatinViaProverbs.com wiki website.

Group 174

2247. When we love, then we perish. (The saying is from Plautus, and refers to the perils of passion, when love makes you lose your powers of judgment.)

2248. All things pass away. (The complete line of verse from Columbanus reads as follows: Omnia praetereunt, fugit irreparabile tempus.)

2249. The best things are yet to be. (Note the use of optima, a neuter plural substantive, "the best things.")

2250. The best things pass away the most quickly. (The adverb citissime is the superlative form of the adverb cito, "swiftly.")

2251. Money perishes most quickly. (Compare the variant form, pecuniae citissime percurrunt.)

2252. Love and the sea are the same thing; in both of them many perish. (I cannot figure out how to capture the word play between Latin "love" and "sea", amare and mare.)

2253. Opposites do not come together. (You can find this saying in Seneca.)

2254. Fools go from horses to donkeys. (You can find this saying in Erasmus's Adagia, 1.7.29.)

2255. The cats die; the mice hold a party. (This is like the English saying "when the cat's away, the mice play" - but in this saying, the cats are gone for good!)

2256. The mind may go where it wills. (You can find this saying in Ovid.)

2257. No one may forbid anyone from going along the public road. (You can find this saying in Plautus.)

2258. It is not given to everyone to go to Corinth. (Corinth was a notoriously expensive tourist destination in the ancient world. You can find a variation of this saying in Horace.)

2259. Venus is accustomed to arrive sweetly, to leave sadly. (You can find a variant in John Owen: Laeta venire Venus, tristis abire solet.)

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