Saturday, July 31, 2010


The notes here are taken from the actual Scala, so be warned that references to the "previous" proverb refer to its order in the Scala, not its order here. You can read more about the word at the Verbosum blog: ILLE.

Qui non habet, ille non dat. ~ Note: Compare also the version you saw already: Non dat qui non habet.

Meum mihi placet, illi suum. ~ Note: This is a variation on the "cuique suum" type of proverb. Here the opposition is between what I like (mihi) and what someone else (illi) might like: we each like our own!

Qui amat periculum, in illo peribit. ~ Note: The words come from the Biblical book of Ecclesiasticus (Sirach), 3.

Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis. ~ Note: This proverb is in the form of a dactylic hexameter. For more about this saying, see the Wikipedia article.

Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis. ~ Note: This is a variation on the previous, this time with "omnia" instead of "tempora."

Per quae sis tutus, illa semper cogites. ~ Note: The relative pronoun quae refers to the illa, "those things" - with the subjunctive cogites expressing a command: You should always be thinking those thoughts (illa), by means of which you can be safe.

Sapiens ille plenus est gaudio. ~ Note: Here is a fuller form of the saying: Sapiens ille plenus est gaudio, hilaris et placidus, inconcussus. Again the source is Seneca, this time Letter 59.

Si regnum in se dividatur, non potest stare regnum illud.

Nulla scientia melior est illa, qua cognoscit homo se ipsum. ~ Note: The words are from Saint Augustine's treatise De Spiritu et Anima.

Ego illum periisse dico cui quidem periit pudor.

Cuius regio, illius et religio. ~ Note: Note the adverbial use of "et" here, meaning something like "even" or "also."

Favet huic, adversa est illi Fortuna. ~ Note: Fortune's wheel has her ups and downs: she shows favor to one person (huic), but she is opposed to another (illi).

Illum nullus amat, qui semper: Da mihi! clamat. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 522.

Ille hodie, ego cras. ~ Note: Like the previous saying, context is crucial. One way you could use this saying is if you see someone enjoying something you also want to enjoy, you can comfort yourself with the thought that he may have it today, but you will have that tomorrow!

Nunc hunc, nunc illum consumit gladius.

Ille mi par esse deo videtur; ille, si fas est, superare divos.

Bis ille miser est, ante qui felix fuit. ~ Note: This is another one of the sayings of Publilius Syrus.

Ille nihil dubitat qui nullam scientiam habet.

Qui se exponit periculo, peribit in illo.

Cornu ferit ille, caveto! ~ Note: The words come from one of Vergil's Eclogues, referring to a bad-tempered billy goat - although the point of the saying is that it can be applied to any mean-tempered creature, including those of the human persuasion. The form caveto is a future imperative, from the verb cavere, to watch out or take care.

Si sequaris iustitiam, apprehendes illam.

Fortunatus et ille deos qui novit agrestes.

Cuius edis panem, illius et aspice nutum.

Qualis sit rector, tales illi qui reguntur.

Longius ille videt, qui multis spectat ocellis.

Si sitit inimicus tuus, potum da illi. ~ Note: The sentiment is found in Paul's letter to the Romans, 12.

Duo illa nos maxime movent, similitudo et exemplum. ~ Note: This is included by André Rouillé in his anthology of Cicero's notable sententiae.

Qui laqueum alii ponit, peribit in illo. ~ Note: You will find this saying in the Biblical book of Sirach, 27.

Reddet deus unicuique iuxta illius opera. ~ Note: This saying is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, B70.

Rebus tranquillis, metuas adversa sub illis. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 1130. The subjunctive, metuas, is used here to express the idea of a command: you should fear, you must fear. The rhyme, tranquillis-illis, reveals the medieval provenance of this saying.

Ille nihil dubitat, quem nulla scientia ditat.

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