Saturday, July 31, 2010


The notes here are taken from the actual Scala, so be warned that references to the "previous" proverb refer to its order in the Scala, not its order here. You can read more about the word at the Verbosum blog: VERITAS.

Sit pax et veritas in diebus meis. ~ Note: You will find this sentiment expressed in the Biblical book of II Kings, 20.

Nihil dulcius veritatis luce. ~ Note: You can find this saying expressed in Cicero's Academica 2.

Via, veritas, vita. ~ Note: You can also find the saying in this form: Veritas est via vitae. For more information, see the Wikipedia article dedicated to this motto.

Temporis filia veritas. ~ Note: Truth is the daughter of time because in Latin veritas is a feminine noun; in English, I'm not sure what gender people might assign to the word "truth" personified!

Vivat veritas. ~ Note: This the motto of Brentwood Academy in Nashville, Tennessee. Note the subjunctive vivat - the idea is "Let truth live!" or "Long live truth!"

Optima est veritas. ~ Note: This is the Thompson family motto.

Quid est veritas? ~ Note: This is the question famously asked by Pilate in the Gospel of John. There is an anagram answer in Latin, too: "Est vir qui adest!" (it uses exactly the same letters as Pilate's question, rearranged).

Veritas omnia vincit. ~ Note: This is the motto of Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Canada.

Veritas et virtus vincunt. ~ Note: This is the motto of the Walsh family.

Veritas vincet. ~ Note: This is the motto of Ferrum High School in Newcastle, South Africa.

Dux mihi veritas. ~ Note: This is the Haggard family motto.

Super omnia vincit veritas. ~ Note: This is from the Biblical book of I Esdras: "Forte est vinum. Fortior est rex. Fortiores sunt mulieres. Super omnia autem vincit veritas." The saying has gained some notoriety of late from being found as an inscription in Rosslyn Chapel, made famous by Dan Brown's The Da Vince Code.

Ubi veritas, Deus ibi est. ~ Note: This is another "ubi...ibi..." saying where the notion seems more definitely spatial rather than temporal: Where there is truth...

Nil veretur veritas. ~ Note: This is a motto of the Napier family.

Nihil possumus contra veritatem. ~ Note: This is a maxim of legal Latin, but it can also apply to life at large.

Nox furibus, lux veritati convenit. ~ Note: Note the parallel structure: nox/lux and furibus/veritati, dative complements of the verb convenit.

Veritas est super omnia amanda et sequenda. ~ Note: Note that the gerundives here express necessity or a command, and they agreed with the subject, veritas: You should love and follow truth...

Antiquior omnibus veritas. ~ Note: Note that omnibus expresses the comparison: antiquior omnibus, "older than all things."

Veritatis una vis, una facies est. ~ Note: Here you have the genitive being used in two parallel noun phrases: "veritatis vis" (una est) and "veritatis facies" (una est). The words again are from Seneca in one of his letters, 27.102.

Ex ore parvulorum veritas. ~ Note: Here the word parvus in the diminutive form, parvulus, means small in the sense of age: ex ore parvulorum, "out of the mouths of babes," as we say in English.

Veritas semper una est. ~ Note: Here is a fuller form of the statement: Veritas semper una est et ipsa sibi consonat, etiamsi myriades opinionum ab ea discendentium discrepent.

Veritas vos liberabit. ~ Note: For more about this popular motto, see the Wikipedia article. It is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, B89.

In vino veritas. ~ Note: Find out more in the Wikipedia article dedicated to this saying, which is one of the sayings Erasmus included in his Adagia, 1.7.17.

Dura veritas, sed veritas. ~ Note: Compare the similar saying about the law above: Dura lex, sed lex.

In medio stat veritas. ~ Note: Compare the English saying, "The truth lies somewhere in the middle."

Veritatis simplex oratio est. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings that Erasmus included in his Adagia, 1.3.88.

Occulta veritas tempore patet. ~ Note: Compare the saying you saw earlier: "Veritas temporis filia." Truth can be the daughter of time exactly because, over time (tempore), the truth emerges.

Veritas odit moras. ~ Note: This is a sentiment expressed in Seneca's Oedipus.

Veritas et rosae habent spinas. ~ Note: Of course, the rose's thorns are literal... the thorns of truth are metaphorical!

Veritas vulneratur, sed mori non potest. ~ Note: This saying features a nice sound play with veritas and vulneratur.

Obsequium amicos, veritas inimicos parit. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings Erasmus included in his Adagia, 2.9.53; it is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, A201.

Veritas odium parit, obsequium amicos. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 790.

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