Saturday, July 31, 2010


The notes here are taken from the actual Scala, so be warned that references to the "previous" proverb refer to its order in the Scala, not its order here. You can read more about the word at the Verbosum blog: OMNIS.

Non omnia possumus omnes. ~ Note: You can find this saying in Vergil, Eclogue 8.

Omnia mea mecum sunt. ~ Note: The idea expressed here is that of spiritual self-reliance, where the things that are really yours are the things that are part of your inner character, the qualities that go with you wherever you go.

Non sibi, sed omnibus. ~ Note: This is the motto of the Ackworth School in West Yorkshire, England.

Dii omnia possunt. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings in Erasmus's Adagia, 4.6.11.

Deus omnia non dat omnibus. ~ Note: You can find this saying in Mantuanus, Eclogue 5.

Habent omnia tempora sua. ~ Note: Compare the variation of "tempora sua" in this proverb and "tempus" above.

Omnia tempus habent, omnia tempus habet. ~ Note: Note the different verbs: for habent, omnia must be the subject, but for habet, tempus must be the subject!

Omnia tempus habent. ~ Note: These are the opening words of the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes, 3. Note that the plural verb, habent, lets you know that omnia is the subject of the verb, while tempus is the object.

Etiam si omnes, ego non. ~ Note: Notice that the verb is unstated here, and can be supplied from context - for example, in my case, we could say, "Even if everybody (is using Facebook), I don't." :-)

Non possunt primi esse omnes omni in tempore. ~ Note: The words are from Macrobius's Saturnalia, 2. Notice the elegant way "omni...tempore" wraps around its preposition!

Omnia fert tempus. ~ Note: This is fert in the sense not just of "carry" but "carry off" or "carry away." Time as it marches on takes all things away with it.

Omnes terra sumus. ~ Note: Again, omnes (masculine plural) agrees with the implied subject of the verb: Omnes (nos) terra sumus. Here the word terra does not stand by metonymy for different human cultures, but instead for the dust of the earth from which we were made and to which we shall return.

Unus vir non omnia videt. ~ Note: Notice the nice alliteration between vir and videt in the Latin; vir is preferred to homo here not for semantic reasons, but for the stylistic appeal of the alliteration.

Omnis est rex in domo sua. ~ Note: Compare the English saying, "A man's home is his castle."

Omnia bona mecum sunt. ~ Note: Here the word bona is being used substantively to refer to possessions, much as we also use the plural "goods" in English. Note also the special form mecum here, which is equivalent to "cum me," "with me."

Amor omnibus idem. ~ Note: The words are from Vergil's Georgics, 3, where he is describing the feeling of love and desire that animates the whole natural world: Omne adeo genus in terris hominumque ferarumque / et genus aequoreum, pecudes pictaeque volucres, / in furias ignemque ruunt: amor omnibus idem.

Omnes filii Dei estis. ~ Note: You can find these words in Paul's letter to the Galatians, 3. Note that the word omnes modifies the unexpressed subject of the verb, estis: (you) all.

Non nobis, sed omnibus. ~ Note: This is the motto of Soham Village College in Soham (Cambridgeshire), England.

Omnes quae sua sunt, quaerunt. ~ Note: The words from the Paul's letter to the Philippians, 2.

Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno. ~ Note: This is the motto of Alexandre Dumas' Three Musketeers. You can read more about the history of this saying at Wikipedia.

Omnia causa fiunt. ~ Note: This takes the negative statement of the preceding proverb and restates it positively. Note that omnia is neuter plural nominative, while causa is ablative singular feminine - don't let that "a" ending fool you!

Ne omnibus credas. ~ Note: Here the negating word is "ne," which means it goes with the subjunctive verb: ne credas (compare the previous proverb: non crede).

Non est credendum omni verbo. ~ Note: This proverbs shows the gerundive used impersonally to express a command: credendum. Although this is something that seems awkward in English ("it is to be believed), it is quite simple in Latin; a single word - the neuter form of the gerund - clearly expresses the idea of necessity: credendum... sed non omni verbo!

Non omni verbo credas. ~ Note: Notice here the independent use of the subjunctive as a kind of imperative - you should trust what people say (credas), but not every single word they say (non omni verbo).

Non omnibus crede. ~ Note: Notice that the "non" does not go with the verb here, but rather with the word "omnibus" so that you could render it in English as "Believe not everything" (although that sounds a bit more odd in English than it does in the Latin!).

Cura omnia potest. ~ Note: Here cura has the positive sense of concern, care, attention, etc. - By being careful, you can accomplish anything.

Nullus omnia scire potest. ~ Note: You can also find the saying in these forms: "Nemo enim potest omnia scire" and "Nemo est, cui omnia scire datum sit."

Amor vincit omnia. ~ Note: This motto famously appears in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, inscribed on the brooch of the prioress herself, Madame Eglantine, who is not your typical nun, of course.

Tempus omnia vincit. ~ Note: This is but one of many "omnia vincit" sayings in Latin, e.g. "Virtus omnia vincit," "Amor vincit omnia," "Veritas omnia vincit," etc.

Nec nulli sis amicus, nec omnibus. ~ Note: If you are friendly towards someone in Latin, that requires the use of the dative as you can see here: omnibus is dative plural, and nulli is dative singular. Note also the nec... nec... construction, which is equivalent to "neither... nor..." in English.

Nihil dulcius quam omnia scire. ~ Note: Note how the infinitive phrase here, omnia scire, is being used as a noun.

Non omne dulce bonum. ~ Note: Here you see the neuter singular dulce again: Not every sweet thing is good. For example: CANDY. It is good to eat, but not good for you, alas!

Natura rerum omnium mater. ~ Note: Of course, we also speak about "Mother Nature" in English, too!

Omnia vincit labor. ~ Note: This is the motto of the state of Oklahoma.

Omnis in modo est virtus. ~ Note: This builds on the idea of moderation, arguing that the whole notion of virtue itself consists of recognizing and staying within the limits of things. The word "omnis" here is an adjective modifying the subject, virtus, but you might best translate it with an adverb in English: Virtue consists entirely of moderation. Latin often prefers to use an adjective to modify the subject of a sentence where in English we might use an adverb instead.

Virtus omnia vincit. ~ Note: Note the nice alliteration of virtus and vincit.

Omnia debeo deo. ~ Note: The sound play of "debeo" and "deo" is the key to this saying, although I am not sure how it would be possible to translate that into English! There is the Grenehalgh family motto.

Omnes vos fratres estis. ~ Note: These words can be found in the Gospel of Matthew, 23.

Omnia videt oculus domini. ~ Note: This is one of those proverbs where you could justify the word dominus either way: dominus, or Dominus. It all depends on the context. The master of the household has a watchful eye, but so does the Lord, watching all from heaven. Of course, proverbs are mainly used orally, rather than in writing - and capitalization is not an issue when you are speaking, only when you are writing.

Vincenda est omnis fortuna ferendo. ~ Note: This proverb is a great exercise in the difference between the gerundive (vincenda, agrees with fortune) and the gerund (verbal noun, in the ablative, "by bearing with it, by enduring).

Non possunt omnia simul. ~ Note: You can find these words used by Cicero in one of his Letters to Atticus, 15. The idea is that we cannot have everything at once, all things cannot be at the same time (simul).

Aurum vincit omnia. ~ Note: This is a more cynical perspective compared to the saying cited earlier: Amor vincit omnia.

Omnia fato fiunt. ~ Note: You can find this idea debated in Cicero's philosophical treatise De Fato.

Omnia fert aetas, animum quoque. ~ Note: The word "fert" has the sense of "bearing away, carrying off," referring to the way that with old age, one's mind can "go" as we say in English ("his mind is gone").

Omnium finis mors est. ~ Note: You can find a meditation on this saying in Thomas a Kempis, De Imitatione Christi, 1.

Cum sol oritur, omnibus oritur. ~ Note: Compare the similar saying which you saw earlier: Sol omnibus lucet.

Nec scire licet omnia. ~ Note: The impersonal express licet takes an infinitive complement: scire omnia. Notice how the infinitive phrase wraps nicely around the verb!

Dei plena sunt omnia. ~ Note: Note that the adjective plena can take a genitive complement: dei plena.

Non omnia omnibus placent. ~ Note: Notice that Latin uses the plural, omnia, "all things," where we English usually uses a singular instead: everything.

In omnia paratus. ~ Note: This is the motto of the United States Army's 18th Infantry Regiment.

Mors omnibus parata est. ~ Note: While in the previous proverb, omnia referred to everything, not you have omnibus meaning "everybody."

Mors omnia solvit. ~ Note: This is a legal maxim, but of course it has profound implications for life at large!

Orta omnia cadunt. ~ Note: The past participle of orior means "that which has risen up," "something which has begun," etc.

Durum est omnibus placere. ~ Note: Here is another example of the nominal use of the infinitive: to please everybody is a hard (thing).

Iovis omnia plena. ~ Note: Compare the earlier saying: Dei plena sunt omnia. Here the god is given a name: Jupiter.

Ne Iuppiter quidem omnibus placet. ~ Note: Note how the phrase "ne...quidem" wraps around the phrase it emphasizes: ne Iuppiter quidem, "not even Jupiter."

Rex Iuppiter omnibus idem. ~ Note: The words are from Vergil's Aeneid, 10.

Amicus omnibus, amicus nemini. ~ Note: This saying plays very nicely with the parallel structure so commonly found in proverbs, and which can be easily imitated in English, too: "A friend to all is a friend to none."

Bonus vir nemo est, nisi qui bonus est omnibus. ~ Note: The "nisi qui" is another example of how the antecedent of the relative pronoun can just be implied in the Latin: nisi (is) qui bonus est omnibus, "unless he is good to all." This one of the sayings you can find collected by Publilius Syrus.

Multi multa sciunt, nemo omnia. ~ Note: Note the parallel structure: Multi multa sciunt, nemo omnia (scit).

Multi multa, nemo omnia novit. ~ Note: This proverb depends on the parallel construction: multi/nemo and multa/omnia. Notice that multi is masculine plural (many people), while multa is neuter plural (many things).

Nemo omnibus placet. ~ Note: Compare the English saying, "You can't please everybody."

Patientes estote ad omnes. ~ Note: The form estote is a plural future imperative, hence the plural adjective in the predicate: patientes.

Ex uno disce omnes. ~ Note: You can also find the same claim made about things: ex uno disco omnia. The masculine plural omnes means "all (people)" while the neuter plural omnia means "all (things)."

Nihil est ab omni parte beatum. ~ Note: The indeclinable nihil is regarded as a neuter singular, hence the neuter form of the participle, beatum.

Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori. ~ Note: This is a fuller form of the previous saying; the words are from Vergil's Eclogues, 10.

In me omnis spes est mihi. ~ Note: The words are from Terence's Phormio.

Non in omnes omnia conveniunt. ~ Note: This is another way of expressing the same idea as in the previous proverb: Not all things (omnia) are suitable for all people (omnes).

Omnes se ipsos natura diligunt. ~ Note: Here the word natura could be either nominative or ablative - but since it cannot be the subject of the plural verb, then it must be ablative, meaning "by nature" or "naturally."

Omnia casu fiunt. ~ Note: Here you have casu in the sense of "chance" or "accident."

Omnes viae ad Romam ferunt. ~ Note: Notice that roads carry you in Latin, ferunt. Compare the English saying, "All roads lead to Rome."

Qui plus appetit, omnia perdit. ~ Note: You can see this theme illustrated in numerous Aesop's fables, such as the story of the dog and his reflection.

Sol omnia aperit. ~ Note: Compare the sayings you saw earlier: "Sol oculus mundi" and "Esto sol testis."

Breves dies et horae omnia sunt. ~ Note: Notice the subject and predicate of this sundial motto: the subject is "omnia," everything - while "breves dies et hora" is the predicate, "short days and hours." In other words, the world is made up of time - the days and the hours - which pass by so quickly!

Ordo et modus omnia breviora reddunt. ~ Note: Note how breviora is being used as a predicate adjective: omnia breviora reddunt, they render all things more brief, they make things go more quickly, etc.

Omnia transibunt! Sic ibimus, ibitis, ibunt. ~ Note: You can also find the saying in this expanded form: "Sic transit gloria mundi, omnia transibunt, nos ibimus, ibitis, ibunt. "

Omnia transibunt. ~ Note: Note the future tense: transibunt.

Transeunt omnia, et tu cum eis pariter. ~ Note: Note the parallel structure: Transeunt omnia, et tu cum eis pariter (transis).

Felix per omnia nemo est mortalium. ~ Note: Notice how the phrase "nemo mortalium" wraps nicely around the verb.

Mortale est omne mortalium bonum. ~ Note: The adjective bonum here is being used substantively, "a good thing, a good" (compare the English plural usage "goods"). You can find these words used by Seneca, Epistulae Morales 98, who in turn attributes the words to the philosopher Metrodorus of Lampsacus.

Omnes una manet nox. ~ Note: Again, the verb "manere" can take a direct object, omnes: A single night awaits all (of us). Notice also how the phrase una nox wraps elegantly around the verb.

Non omnia omnibus cupienda sunt. ~ Note: Here you have a gerundive expressing the idea of necessity. Omnia is the subject of the sentence, neuter plural, and the gerundive agrees with it in case, number and gender, as an adjective must: cupienda. The dative omnibus expresses the idea of agency. Since we don't really have a construction like this in English, we would have to say something like "Not all things are desirable for everybody."

Omnes dies pauperis mali. ~ Note: The words are from the Biblical book of Proverbs, 15.

Omne nimium non bonum. ~ Note: Here nimium is being used substantively, meaning "something excessive, something in excess."

Omni in re modus est optimus. ~ Note: Note the phrase wrapped around the preposition: omni in re = in omni re. This is the sense of "modus" as moderation or limit again, cf. the earlier proverb: Omnis in modo est virtus.

Propria domus omnium optima. ~ Note: This version of the same proverb spells out the superlative comparison explicitly: one's own home is the best (optima) of all (omnium).

Ubi omnis vita metus est, mors est optima. ~ Note: This is another one of the sayings collected by Publilius Syrus.

Omnium rerum mors est extremum. ~ Note: Again, extremum is being used substantively, as a predicate noun: the extreme end, the limit.

Mundus ipse est ingens deorum omnium templum. ~ Note: The words are adapted from one of Seneca's letters, 14.90.

Non omnis fert omnia tellus. ~ Note: Here the singular omnis agrees with tellus (omnis tellus, "every land"), while omnia, plural, is the object of the verb.

Omnia probate; quod bonum est, tenete. ~ Note: Here the sense of probare is not so much "prove" as "test" - you should give everything a try (or trial), but keep only what is good. You can find this saying in I Thessalonians, 5.

Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis. ~ Note: This is a variation on the previous, this time with "omnia" instead of "tempora."

Tempus invenit, discit, docet, mutat omnia. ~ Note: This is a saying you can find inscribed, appropriately enough, on Latin sundials.

Mors omnes homines manet, divites et pauperes. ~ Note: Note the way that manet can take a direct object, in the sense of the English word "await, wait for."

O dives, dives, non omni tempore vives! ~ Note: Notice the wonderful rhyme in this line: dives-vives. Note also the future tense: vives.

Facies non omnibus una. ~ Note: Here you have a dative being used for something we would consider possession in English: For all of them (omnibus), the face is not one = They do not all have the same face. The words are from Ovid in his Metamorphoses, 2. Cicero puts it this way: Non est una omnium facies.

Amor omnibus haud idem. ~ Note: This saying provides a counterpoint to the previous saying. Proverbs do not express absolute truths, after all - and one way to disagree with an existing saying is to negate it with the word "non" or "haud."

Haud vivit ullus omnibus felix modis. ~ Note: Notice how the ablative phrase, omnibus...modis, wraps around the adjective that it is qualifying.

Vir unus haud videt omnia. ~ Note: Compare the saying you saw earlier: Unus vir non omnia videt.

In omnibus rebus, respice finem. ~ Note: You can also find the saying in this shortened form: Respice finem.

Timor omnis abesto. ~ Note: Here you have the future imperative being used with a third-person subject: Let all fear be absent.

Omnes fallimur. ~ Note: Here you see the passive form of fallo again: "We are all deceived," "We can all be deceived," etc.

Omnia flumina intrant in mare. ~ Note: The words are from the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes, 1: Omnia flumina intrant in mare, et mare non redundat.

Omnia mea mecum porto. ~ Note: Compare the self-sufficient proverb above: Mecum mea sunt cuncta.

Non omnes omnia possunt efficere. ~ Note: Money may be able to accomplish everything - but we are not all able to do everything! Compare the saying you saw earlier: Non omnia possumus omnes.

Ultima nos omnes efficit hora pares. ~ Note: Notice how the noun phrase (ultima...hora) wraps around the verb (nos omnes efficit), with the predicate adjective dramatically at the end: pares, rhyming with omnes.

Omnes aquae in mare revertentur. ~ Note: Note again the future tense: revertentur (it's all a matter of vowels: present revertuntur, future revertentur, subjunctive revertantur).

Omnia de terra facta sunt et in terram pariter revertentur. ~ Note: Note the future tense: revertentur.

Si nihil velis timere, metuas omnia. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings recorded by Publilius Syrus.

Aut ridenda omnia aut flenda sunt. ~ Note: Compare the English saying, "You've Got to Either Laugh or Cry."

Moritur omne quod nascitur. ~ Note: The fact that Latin uses deponent verb for both birth and death creates a nice sound echo here in the verb endings: moritur...nascitur.

Nascimur omnes hac lege, ut moriamur. ~ Note: This comes from a Renaissance Latin poem, Zodiacus, by Marcellus Palingenius. The full statement is "Nascimur omnes hac lege, ut moriamur ab ortu / exitus ipse fluit."

Virtus omni loco nascitur. ~ Note: The saying is adapted from one of Seneca's letters, 7.66: Potest ex casa vir magnus exire, potest et ex deformi humilique corpusculo formosus animus ac magnus. Quosdam itaque mihi videtur in hoc tales natura generare, ut approbet virtutem omni loco nasci.

Omne bonum dei donum. ~ Note: Here again bonum is being used substantively: omne bonum, "every good (thing)." It makes for a very nice rhyme, too: bonum-donum.

Omnia sapientibus facilia. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Erasmus in his Adages, 2.9.56.

Quis est ita sapiens, qui omnia plene scire potest? ~ Note: The words are from Thomas à Kempis, De Imitatione Christi.

Sapiens contra omnes arma fert, cum cogitat. ~ Note: This is another one of the sayings collected by Publilius Syrus.

Sapientior omnibus eris, si ab omnibus discere volueris. ~ Note: The rhyme, eris-volueris, reveals the medieval provenance of this saying.

Vir bonus et sapiens quaerit super omnia pacem. ~ Note: The words are from the poem Zodiacus Vitae by the 16th-century poet Palingenius.

Non omnia omnibus aeque feliciter cadunt. ~ Note: Note that an adverb can be used to modify not just a verb and an adjective, but also another adverb, as here: aeque feliciter, "equally luckily."

Omnibus ex aequo non dant sua munera divi. ~ Note: The prepositional phrase "ex aequo" express the idea of "equally, in equal measure."

Capit omnia tellus, quae genuit. ~ Note: The noun tellus is feminine, but the relative pronoun here is neuter plural, with omnia as its antecedent.

Noli committere omnia uni navi. ~ Note: This is a good reminder of the unusual declension of unus, with the dative uni for all genders, as here: uni navi.

Omnia Fortunae committo. ~ Note: This is the MacDuff family motto.

Uni navi ne committas omnia. ~ Note: This is a variation on the previous saying, using "ne committas" as a way to express a negative command.

Omnes homines terra et cinis. ~ Note: The words are from the Biblical book of Sirach, 17.

Peccavimus omnes, alii gravia, alii leviora. ~ Note: This is another one of those "aliud...aliud" sayings, which can be rendered in English as "some... others..."

Omnes qui acceperint gladium, gladio peribunt. ~ Note: This is yet another expression of the idea in the previous saying, this time in the plural (omnes qui) rather than in the singular.

Christus pauper erat, qui nunc super omnia regnat. ~ Note: Si sum semper egens, non debet spernere me gens, / Christus pauper erat, qui nunc super omnia regnat.

Deficiente pecu- deficit omne nia. ~ Note: This is from the pen of Rabelais, playing with the "cutting" (tmesis) of pecunia into two parts and using those parts to create a line of pentameter verse.

Omnia potest pecunia. ~ Note: Compare the sayings you have already seen: "Caritas omnia potest" and "Cura omnia potest."

Omne vitium contra naturam est. ~ Note: Compare this saying about "omne nimium" which you saw earlier: Omne nimium est naturae inimicum.

Omne vitium contra naturam pugnat. ~ Note: Here you see yet another preposition that can be used with the verb pugnare: contra.

Utrumque vitium est: et omnibus credere et nulli. ~ Note: Note that the two verb phrases, "omnibus credere" and "nulli credere," are acting as nouns here, coordinated by (both... and...).

Vitium est et omnibus credere et nulli. ~ Note: Here the infinitive credere is being used as a noun: It is a fault both to believe everybody (omnibus credere) and also to believe nobody (nulli credere).

Vitium est omnia credere, vitium nihil credere. ~ Note: This is the same idea as in the previous saying, but now expressed in terms of omnia v. nihil.

Omnes sibi melius malunt quam alteri. ~ Note: The dative sibi gives you a clue that alteri is also in the dative.

Omne nimium nocet. ~ Note: Here the adjective nimius is being used substantively to mean "something excessive" or "extravagance."

Omnia nimia nocent. ~ Note: This is a plural version of the preceding proverb.

Omnia homini, dum vivit, speranda sunt. ~ Note: Here you have a gerundive, this time with a subject: omnia, all things. The agent of the gerundive is expressed with a dative: homini. You might render this in English as, "So long as he is alive, a person should keep hope for all things."

Mortem ubi contemnas, omnes viceris metus. ~ Note: This too comes from Publilius Syrus.

Voluptas malorum mater omnium. ~ Note: Voluptas is a feminine noun, so it makes sense that "she" is a mother of things - wicked things, at least according to this proverb.

Voluptate capiuntur omnes. ~ Note: You can find these words in Cicero's treatise, De Legibus, 1.

Non omnia quae vera sunt utile dicuntur. ~ Note: The neuter form of the adjective, utile, is being used here adverbially, as so often with the neuter: utile dicunter, "are usefully said, are useful to say."

Omne rarum carum. ~ Note: This is a good reminder that the neuter singular ending for omnis is -e: Omne rarum (every uncommon thing) carum (is costly). Of course, English cannot capture the nice rhyme of rarum-carum.

Cui deest pecunia, huic desunt omnia. ~ Note: Here you see the datives again - cui, huic - although the saying is not an endorsement of the ascetic lifestyle that you saw in the previous sayings!

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. ~ Note: This is a Latin legal maxim which also applies to life in general; for an illustration, see the Aesop's fable about the boy who cried wolf.

Cum omnibus bonis quiescat. ~ Note: This Latin phrase is abbreviated in catacomb inscriptions: C.O.B.Q. Compare the more familiar phrase R.I.P., "Requiescat in pace."

Otium omnia vitia parit. ~ Note: Here the verb, parit, singular, lets you know that otium must be the subject, and omnia vitia the object.

Omnibus eadem non decent. ~ Note: Here eadem is neuter plural, "the same (things)."

Omnis arbor bona fructus bonos facit. ~ Note: This explores the same idea of the previous proverb, now in positive terms - no longer a mala arbor, but an arbor bona.

Omne nimium est naturae inimicum. ~ Note: The adjective nimius is being used substantively here to mean "(something) excessive" or the idea of "excess" itself: Every excess is an enemy to nature.

Omnia cum pretio Romae. ~ Note: Note here the locative Romae, meaning "at Rome" or "in Rome." This saying is found in Juvenal's Satire 3 - and for a commentary on its applicability to modern-day Washington, take a look at this blog post at Laudator Temporis Acti.

Necessitas omnem legem frangit. ~ Note: Here not only does necessity conquer the law - she breaks every one of them: omnem legem frangit.

Necessitas rerum omnium potentissima. ~ Note: The statement here is taken to superlative extremes: Necessity is the most powerful of all things.

Fortuna caeco trahit omnia cursu. ~ Note: Here it is not Fortuna that is blind, but instead her cursus, the way she races along blindly. Notice how the noun phrase "caeco...cursu" wraps nicely around the verb phrase "trahit omnia."

Honesta non sunt omnia quae licent. ~ Note: This takes the same idea and expands it to the plural, so instead of omne, "each thing, every thing," you have omnia, "all things, everything."

Non omne licitum honestum. ~ Note: Note the participle here, licitum, "that which is permitted" (compare the English adjectives "licit" and "illicit").

Non omne quod licet honestum est. ~ Note: This expresses the same idea as the previous saying, but this time with a relative clause, (hoc) quod licet, rather than a participle, licitum.

Dis iuvantibus, omnia feliciter evenient. ~ Note: The phrase "dis iuvantibus" is an ablative absolute. Note also the future tense: evenient. (It's all a matter of vowels: present indicative, eveniunt; subjunctive, eveniant; future, evenient.)

Omnia fato eveniunt. ~ Note: You can find this idea discussed in Cicero's De Fato and also in his treatise De Divinatione, 2: Si omnia fato, quid mihi divinatio prodest?

Domina omnium et regina ratio. ~ Note: Here you have not just the domina (fem. of dominus) but also regina (fem. of rex). The words are from Cicero's Tusculan Disputations, 2.

Labore omnia florent. ~ Note: This is a different way to express the link between labor and prosperity.

Omnia in luce scientiae florent. ~ Note: This is an inscription found, appropriately, on a sun-dial.

Sol efficit ut omnia floreant. ~ Note: The words are adapted from Cicero's treatise, De Natura Deorum, 2.

Omnis lupus magnus. ~ Note: As a fuller version of the saying explains: Omnis lupus magnus; hoc est: timor omnia maiora fingit - Every wolf is big; that is: fear imagines all things as bigger (than they are).

Hodie nihil, cras omnia. ~ Note: This is a variation on the previous saying but this time with nihil-omnia in place of nullus-maximus.

Caritas omnia potest. ~ Note: You can find this Christian sentiment in the letters of St. Jerome, 1.

Caritas omnia sustinet. ~ Note: This is another saying adapted from I Corinthians, 13.

Sine caritate omnis dives est pauper. ~ Note: Here is another take on just what could make you say that a rich man is poor: the lack of caritas, i.e., love for his fellow human beings.

Incertum est quo loco te mors exspectet; itaque tu illam omni loco exspecta. ~ Note: The subjunctive exspecto is because of the indirect question introduced by "quo loco." The words are from Seneca in one of his letters, 3.26.

Mortis dies omnibus incertus. ~ Note: Here the adjective omnibus is being used substantively to mean everyone, everybody, all people: The day of death is something unknown to all.

Omne futurum incertum. ~ Note: In this saying, you see the future passive participle being used as an adjective: "All that is to come is uncertain" or, translating the adjective adverbially: "The future is entirely uncertain." (Latin often uses an adjective to modify the subject of a sentence where we might use an adverb in English.)

Omnia in futuro servantur incerta. ~ Note: The words are from the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes, 9.

Non omne quod nitet aurum est. ~ Note: Compare the famous English saying, made famous by Shakespeare: "All that glitters is not gold" (although Shakespeare may actually have written: "All that glisters is not gold").

Similiter spirant omnia. ~ Note: The words are from the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes, 3: Similiter spirant omnia, et nihil habet homo iumento amplius: cuncta subiacent vanitati.

Fraus omnia corrumpit. ~ Note: This is a maxim in legal Latin, which declares that where fraud is involved, the entire process is tainted. You can also find the maxim in the form "Fraus omnia vitiat" and "Fraus omnia vitiat et corrumpit."

Mora omnis odio est, sed facit sapientiam. ~ Note: Note the dative predicate, otio, which functions something like an adjective in English: All delay is hateful...

Omnia transibunt; nos ibimus, ibitis, ibunt. ~ Note: Omnia transibunt; nos ibimus, ibitis, ibunt, cari et non cari condicione pari.

Iustitia omnibus. ~ Note: The verb is implied here, but not stated: (let there be) justice for all.

Non omnibus, quod libet, licet. ~ Note: This proverb plays on the difference between quod libet, what is pleasing, and quod licet, what is allowed.

Stultorum plena sunt omnia. ~ Note: This observation comes from one of Cicero's letters, Ad Familiares 9.22.

Rem omnem considera. ~ Note: Here omnis means something like "whole" or "entire" - you need to take the whole thing into account, not just look at part of the thing.

Sit omnis homo velox ad audiendum, tardus autem ad loquendum. ~ Note: Note the use of the gerund in the accusative with ad to express something like the English infinitive: velox ad audiendum, "quick to listen." Note also the subjunctive, sit omnis homo, "let each person be..." (the subjunctive, of course, because people really are just the opposite: quick to speak, and slow to pay attention!).

Nemo sibi satis est; eget omnis amicus amico. ~ Note: This takes the idea of mutual dependency that you saw in the prevous saying into the realm of friendship. The verb egeo takes an ablative complement, so amico here is in the ablative case.

Antiquior omnibus veritas. ~ Note: Note that omnibus expresses the comparison: antiquior omnibus, "older than all things."

Super omnia vincit veritas. ~ Note: This is from the Biblical book of I Esdras: "Forte est vinum. Fortior est rex. Fortiores sunt mulieres. Super omnia autem vincit veritas." The saying has gained some notoriety of late from being found as an inscription in Rosslyn Chapel, made famous by Dan Brown's The Da Vince Code.

Veritas est super omnia amanda et sequenda. ~ Note: Note that the gerundives here express necessity or a command, and they agreed with the subject, veritas: You should love and follow truth...

Veritas omnia vincit. ~ Note: This is the motto of Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Canada.

Omni fine, initium novum. ~ Note: You can supply an est to help make sense of the main clause in this sentence: initium novum est, "there is a new beginning." This is the class motto of the Virginia Tech class of 2005.

Sol omnibus lucet. ~ Note: This is a saying reported in Petronius's Satyricon. The things of nature are common to all - not just the sun, but the moon, the stars, the rain, etc.

Cui deus auxilio est, huic onus omne leve est. ~ Note: Note the predicate use of auxilio: deus auxilio est. In English, you might say "god is a helper" or "god is helpful."

Morborum medicus omnium mors ultimus. ~ Note: Notice the interweaving the noun phrases "morborum omnium" (wrapped around medicus) and "ultimus medicus," the predicate, wrapped around the subject: mors. You can also find the saying in this form: Ultimus morborum medicus mors.

Omnis doloris tempus fit medicus. ~ Note: The word omnis is here in the genitive, agreeing with doloris: "Time is the doctor of all pain."

Esse sibi similes alios fur iudicat omnes. ~ Note: The infinitive esse here has alios omnes as its subject: The thief thinks that all others are like himself.

Difficile omnibus placere. ~ Note: The Latin infinitive, such as placere here, when used as a noun, is regarded as neuter singular: difficile.

Nolenti omnia difficilia. ~ Note: Note the dative participle: nolenti, "for the person who is unwilling."

Omne initium difficile. ~ Note: You can also find this saying with the verb included: Omne initium est difficile.

Sibi imperare difficillimum omnium. ~ Note: As you can see from the word "sibi," the verb imperare takes a dative complement: to give orders to somebody, to command.

Omnia ad tempus certum durant. ~ Note: All things do last, omnia durant - but only for a certai period of time, ad tempus certum!

Nihil interit; omnia mutantur. ~ Note: Notice that in English, we use the verb "change" both transitively ("I need to change my address") and intransitively ("I think his address changed") - in Latin, this intransitive sense of change is expressed with the passive: omnia mutantur, all things change.

Orta omnia intereunt. ~ Note: Compare the earlier saying: Orta omnia cadunt.

Omnia idem pulvis. ~ Note: Here idem is being just adjectivally, with pulvis: All things are the same dust. Compare the burial service from the book of Common Prayer: We therefore commit his body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Tempus omnia monstrat. ~ Note: This is a motto of the Badcock family.

Dum tempus habemus, operemur bonum ad omnes. ~ Note: Note the subjunctive: operemur bonum, "let us do what is good."

Sapientia omnia operatur. ~ Note: Note that even though operatur looks passive, it is a deponent verb, and as such can take a direct object: omnia. The words are from the Biblical Book of Wisdom 8.

Patientia vincit omnia. ~ Note: Here you see patientia in the nominative, as the subject of the verb.

Aequat omnes cinis. ~ Note: Cinis here now stands not for a dead person or persons, but for death itself.

Mors omnia aequat. ~ Note: Compare the previous saying: now death appears explicitly, mors, rather than by metonymy, with cinis symbolizing death indirectly.

Avaritia omnia vitia habet. ~ Note: The sound play of the Latin is very charming: avaritia - vitia, and we even hear an echo of that in our English derivates: it does sound like "avarice" has all the "vices" in it!

Cavete ab omni avaritia. ~ Note: As you have seen before, the verb cavere can take an ablative phrase, in the sense of avoiding or keeping away from, as here: ab omni avaritia.

Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit. ~ Note: You can also find this abbreviated form of the saying: Nemo omnibus horis sapit.

Feriunt omnes; ultima necat. ~ Note: The secret femine noun here is hora: Feriunt omnes (horae); ultima (hora) necat.

Esca omnium malorum voluptas. ~ Note: Here you have two noun phrases: Esca omnium malorum (est) voluptas. The idea, of course, is that wickedness needs something to feed on - and what it feeds on is our sense of pleasure. Yikes!

In omni re semper grata varietas. ~ Note: Compare the phrases you saw earlier: "In varietate voluptas" and "Varietas delectat."

Inopiae desunt pauca, avaritiae omnia. ~ Note: You can see again the dative complements with the verb desunt: inopiae, avaritiae. You can also find the saying with multa instead of pauca: Inopiae desunt multa, avaritiae omnia.

Omnis enim qui male agit, odit lucem. ~ Note: You can find these words in the Gospel of John, 3.

Omnis qui male agit, odit lucem. ~ Note: This can be literally true (as thieves in the night) or metaphorically, when wrongdoers hate the light of truth that would reveal their wrong-doing.

Omni avi, suus nidus pulcher. ~ Note: Note the dative, omni avi. This saying is a variation on the basic "cuique suum" type of proverb, of which you have seen many examples, e.g. Suum cuique pulchrum videtur.

Omnis homo simili sui sociabitur. ~ Note: In the previous proverb you saw a passive present subjunctive form (sociēris), while in this proverb you have an example of a passive future indicative: sociabitur.

Avaritia est radix omnium malorum. ~ Note: Note the substantive use of the adjective malorum: "bad (things)."

De radice bona nascitur omne bonum. ~ Note: The word bonum is being used against substantively: omne bonum, "every good (thing)."

Invidia est radix malorum omnium. ~ Note: As you can see, there are different things competing to be the root of all evil! Which do you think: avaritia? invidia?

Radix omnium bonorum caritas. ~ Note: These words can be found in one of the sermons of Saint Augustine, 72.

Non cuivis omnia conveniunt. ~ Note: Unlike cuique, which means "anybody, each person," the dative cuivis has the sense of "anybody at all, just anybody" - so: Not all things are suitable for just anybody!

Radix omnium malorum est cupiditas. ~ Note: Here is yet another candidate for the root of all evil: cupiditas; this statement comes from the Paul's first letter to Timothy, 1. (The earlier candidates were avaritia and invidia.)

Nummus omnia efficit. ~ Note: Here is another claim about the omnipotence of money.

Omnia in peius ruunt. ~ Note: This is an even more dramatic "from bad to worse" proverb - now everything is rushing headlong (ruunt) into something worse.

Extrema omnia sunt vitiosa. ~ Note: Here extrema is being used substantively, "extremes" as we would say in English.

Tempus omnia sanat. ~ Note: Compare the English saying, "Time heals all wounds."

Omne simile est etiam dissimile. ~ Note: This saying reminds us that "similar" is not the same as "identical." To take a pertinent example from Latin, a simia (monkey) is similar to a human being (that's how the monkey gets its name in Latin), but a monkey is also unlike a human being, too - that's why it is a monkey!

Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat. ~ Note: Like the saying you saw above, the feminine noun "hora" is the clue to this saying: Vulnerant omnes (horae), (hora) ultima necat.

Argento oboediunt omnia. ~ Note: Note that oboediunt takes a dative complement, as you can see here: argento.

Pecuniae oboediunt omnia. ~ Note: Compare the saying you saw earlier: Argento oboediunt omnia.

Omnis aer aquilae pervius; omnis vero regio viro forti et ingenuo patria. ~ Note: Omnis aer aquilae pervius; omnis vero regio viro forti et ingenuo patria.

Post rerum eventum omnes facile sapientes sunt. ~ Note: Note that omnes here is the subject, while sapientes is the predicate.

Sol omnia videt et revelat. ~ Note: Compare the saying you saw earlier: Sol omnia aperit.

Tempus omnia revelat. ~ Note: Compare the saying you saw earlier about the passage of time: Occulta veritas tempore patet.

Omnis caro faenum. ~ Note: The words are from the Biblical book of Isaiah, 40: omnis caro faenum et omnis gloria eius quasi flos agri.

Adversus regulam nihil scire omnia scire est. ~ Note: The words are from Tertullian's De Praescriptione Haereticorum.

Omne bonum trium. ~ Note: You can also find the superlative idea: Omne trium perfectum.

Omnis homo sapiens undas formidat et ignem. ~ Note: Omnis homo sapiens undas formidat et ignem, / haec qui non metuit, insipienter agit.

Linguam unam natura, duas dedit omnibus aures. ~ Note: Ut nos pauca loqui, plura autem audire moneret, / Linguam unam natura, duas dedit omnibus aures. (Muretus)

O homo, si scires, quidnam esses, unde venires, nunquam gauderes, sed in omni tempore fleres. ~ Note: This is a verse couplet: O homo, si scires, quidnam esses, unde venires, / nunquam gauderes, sed in omni tempore fleres.

Omnis homo, quacumque domo, qua sede moratur, provideat quando taceat, vel quando loquatur. ~ Note: This is a verse couplet: Omnis homo, quacumque domo, qua sede moratur, / provideat quando taceat, vel quando loquatur.

Radix omnium malorum est amor pecuniae. ~ Note: The phrase "amor pecuniae" is an attempt to render the Greek wording of the Bible, as Cassian explains: Radix omnium malorum est filargyria, id est amor pecuniae.

Collocet in caelis nos omnes vis Michaelis. ~ Note: This rhyming proverb is the motto of the Linlithgow family.

Credidit et Caiphas, omne nefas sibi fas. ~ Note: This is also found as part of a couplet: Iacobus temere credit sibi cuncta licere, / Credidit et Caiphas omne nefas sibi fas.

Sub nive quod tegitur, dum nix perit, omne videtur. ~ Note: You can also find the saying in this form: Sub nive quod tegitur, cum nix perit invenietur.

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