Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Scala 32 (1551-1600)

<== Go back to Scala 31 (1501-1550)

1551. Amicus fidelis, medicamentum vitae.

[medicamentum: drug, remedy, medicine] These words are from the Biblical book of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), 6.

1552. Optimum medicamentum quies.

[quies: calm, rest, quiet] You can also find this saying with the verb expressed: Optimum medicamentum quies est.

1553. Grata quies.

Here is a fuller form of the saying: Grata quies post exhaustum laborem, "Welcome is rest after the labor has been finished."

1554. Bona res quies.

Here you get a nice sound play with res and quies. In English, you could say something like, "Rest is best."

1555. In caelo quies.

[caelum: sky, heaven] This is a motto of the Bewicke family.

1556. Fiat iustitia et ruat caelum.

For a history of the use of this saying, see this Wikipedia article. Compare the similar saying that you saw earlier: Fiat iustitia et pereat mundus.

1557. Regnet iustitia et ruat caelum.

This is a variation on the previous saying, this time with the subjunctive regnet: Let justice reign. This version is attributed to the seventeenth-century Duke of Richmond.

1558. Animum debes mutare, non caelum.

In other words, if you try to run away from your problems (changing your sky overhead), you won't accomplish anything: this proverb urges you to change your attitude instead. The saying is inspired by a line from a line in one of Horace's epistles, 1.11: caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt.

1559. Ubique medium caelum est.

[ubique: anywhere, everywhere, always] The saying comes from Petronius in his Satyricon; he used the alternate form, caelus: ubique medius caelus est.

1560. Ubique mors est.

The words are from Seneca's play, The Phoenician Women.

1561. Deus adest ubique.

This saying expresses the omnipresence of God; you can read more about divine omnipresence in this Wikipedia article.

1562. Vitium est ubique, quod nimium est.

The words are from Quintilian, who is explaining that excess (nimium) is in every circumstance (ubique) a fault, something that an orator must avoid.

1563. Nummus regnat ubique.

[nummus: coin, cash, money] Compare the saying you saw earlier: Pecunia regina mundi.

1564. Nummus vincit, nummus regnat, nummus cunctis imperat.

This line is from a satirical poem by Walter de Chatillon, mocking the religious proclamation: Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat.

1565. Vincuntur nummis leges.

This provides an example of one of the victories of money: it can overcome the laws! Compare the saying you saw earlier: Aurum lex sequitur.

1566. Nummis potior amicus in periculis.

Here is a counterargument to the omnipotence of money: a friend can do more when there is danger, in periculis.

1567. Nummus nummum parit.

Compare the sayings you saw earlier: "Pecunia pecuniam parit" and "Nummus nummum parit."

1568. Crescit amor nummi quantum ipsa pecunia crevit.

There is an implied "tantum" to coordinate this expression: Crescit amor nummi (tantum), quantum ipsa pecunia crevit.

1569. Nummus omnia efficit.

[efficio: bring about, produce, cause] Here is another claim about the omnipotence of money.

1570. Non omnes omnia possunt efficere.

Money may be able to accomplish everything - but we are not all able to do everything! Compare the saying you saw earlier: Non omnia possumus omnes.

1571. Non efficit doctos librorum copia.

This is another one of the sayings collected by Publilius Syrus.

1572. Sol efficit ut omnia floreant.

[floreo: blossom, flourish, be prosperous] The words are adapted from Cicero's treatise, De Natura Deorum, 2.

1573. Floret qui laborat.

This is a motto of the Aberdour School in Banstead, Surrey, England.

1574. Labore omnia florent.

This is a different way to express the link between labor and prosperity.

1575. floruit

This Latin phrase is often abbreviated: fl. You will find it used in reference to historical persons, especially those who dates of birth and/or death are not certain.

1576. Deo favente, florebo.

[faveo: show favor to, support, befriend] This motto begins with an ablative absolute: Deo favente, "if God is favorable..."

1577. Dis faventibus, multae sunt viae felicitatis.

This proverb also begins with an ablative absolute: Dis faventibus, "When the gods are favorable..."

1578. Tempore favente utendum est.

This time the ablative phrase, tempore favente, is the ablative complement of utendum est, an impersonal gerundive expressing necessity: You must make use of time when it is auspicious.

1579. Faveat Fortuna.

Note the subjunctive here, faveat: Let Fortune be favorable.

1580. Favet huic, adversa est illi Fortuna.

Fortune's wheel has her ups and downs: she shows favor to one person (huic), but she is opposed to another (illi).

1581. Audaci favet Fortuna.

As in the previous proverb, you can see here that the verb favere takes a dative complement: audaci.

1582. Fortuna favet fortibus.

This is the motto of the 3rd Battalion 8th US Marines.

1583. Fortuna favet ignavis.

[ignavus: lazy, idle, useless] Fortune does not always choose worthy objects of her affection, as this saying shows. Compare the English saying, "Fools have all the luck."

1584. Ignavis semper feriae sunt.

[feriae: holiday, festival, leisure time] This is one of the sayings collected by Erasmus in his Adages, 2.6.12.

1585. Necessitas non habet ferias.

[necessitas: necessity, need, inevitability] You can also see the idea expressed this way: Feriis caret necessitas.

1586. Magna vis necessitatis.

Note the implied verb: Magna (est) vis necessitatis.

1587. Necessitas rerum omnium potentissima.

The statement here is taken to superlative extremes: Necessity is the most powerful of all things.

1588. Faciamus de necessitate virtutem.

Note the subjunctive, faciamus: Let us make...

1589. Necessitas artis magistra.

Since necessitas is a feminine noun, it means she gets to be a female teacher, magistra.

1590. Mater artium necessitas.

As in the previous saying, the idea here is that necessity requires us to develop new skills and talents. Compare the English saying, "Necessity is the mother of invention."

1591. Cuncta docet necessitas.

This is another way of explaining that necessity is a teacher: she teaches all things, cuncta docet.

1592. Necessitas amicum probat.

Compare the saying you saw earlier: Rebus incertis amor est probandus.

1593. Necessitas dat legem, non ipsa accipit.

This is another one of the sayings collected by Publilius Syrus.

1594. Necessitas vincit legem.

In the previous saying, necessity accepted no law - now she conquers it!

1595. Necessitas omnem legem frangit.

Here not only does necessity conquer the law - she breaks every one of them: omnem legem frangit.

1596. Necessitas non habet legem.

Compare the English saying, "Necessity knows no law."

1597. Necessitas caret lege.

[careo: lack, be witout, be free of] Here necessity is lacks any law or limit; compare the saying you saw earlier: Amor legem non habet.

1598. Prima virtus est vitio carere.

Here the infinitive phrase, "vitio carere," functions as a noun: The first virtue is to be free from vice.

1599. Nummis praestat carere quam amicis.

This statement depends on a parallel structure: Nummis praestat carere quam amicis (carere).

1600. Frustra laborat vir qui consilio caret.

Compare the motto you saw earlier: Consilio et industria. Planning and hard work go hand in hand.

Scala 33 (1601-1650)

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