Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Scala 55 (2701-2750)

<== Go back to Scala 54 (2651-2700)

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2701. Mente nihil homini dedit Deus ipse divinius.

The words are from Cicero's De Officiis, 3. Note the neuter form of the comparative adjective: divinius.

2702. Caritas in mente; caritas in corde; caritas in ore.

Although most sayings and proverbs have a bipartite structure, this one is a lovely three-part saying.

2703. Mentis sol amor dei.

You can see this saying in one of Vaenius's emblems here: image.

2704. Scientia sol mentis.

[scientia: knowledge, skill, science] This is the motto of the University of Delaware.

2705. Scientia lumen vitae.

This is the motto of Texas Women's University.

2706. Omnia in luce scientiae florent.

This is an inscription found, appropriately, on a sun-dial.

2707. Ars sine scientia nihil.

The words are attributed to the 14th-century Parisian scholar Jean Mignot (Iohannes Mignotius); on the occasion of the building of the Cathedral of Milan, he was countering the idea that "Scientia est unum et ars aliud."

2708. Scientia maximum vitae decus.

The is the motto adopted by the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Research.

2709. Ubi non est scientia animae, non est bonum.

The words are from the Biblical book of Proverbs, 19.

2710. Nulla scientia melior est illa, qua cognoscit homo se ipsum.

The words are from Saint Augustine's treatise De Spiritu et Anima.

2711. Natura ducimur ad scientiae cupiditatem.

The words are adapted from Cicero's De Officiis, 1.

2712. Natura semina nobis scientiae dedit, scientiam non dedit.

The words are from Seneca's letters, 120.

2713. Scientiae radices amarae, fructus dulces.

Note the paradoxical parallel: radices/fructus and amarae/dulces.

2714. Scientia est arbor altissima, cuius radix est amarissima sed fructus dulcissimus.

This expands on the metaphor of the tree in the earlier saying.

2715. Scientia et labore altiora petimus.

Note that scientia here is in the ablative case, as is labore.

2716. Qui addit scientiam, addit et laborem.

The words are from the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes, 1.

2717. Qui apponit scientiam, apponit dolorem et laborem.

[appono: set up, set out, apply, appoint] Here is the passage from the 12th-century Gemma Gallica: Arduum quidem est iter virtutis et qui apponit scientiam, apponit dolorem et laborem. Sed quae amara et ardua sunt experienti, pulchra fiunt et iucunda scienti.

2718. Ipsa scientia potestas est.

[potestas: power, strength, rule] The words are those of Francis Bacon; you can read more about this saying and its variations in this Wikipedia article.

2719. Non est enim potestas nisi a Deo.

The words are from Paul's letter to the Romans, 13.

2720. Fulmen est, ubi cum potestate habitat iracundia.

[habito: dwell, live, inhabit] This is another one of the sayings collected by Publilius Syrus.

2721. In oculis animus habitat.

The words are from Pliny's Natural History, 11.

2722. Tecum habita.

You can see this motto illustrated in an emblem here: image.

2723. In unoquoque virorum bonorum habitat deus.

The words are from one of Seneca's letters, 41.

2724. Novos caelos et novam terram expectamus, in quibus iustitia habitat.

The words are from the Biblical letter called 2 Peter, 3.

2725. Habitabit lupus cum agno.

[agnus: lamb; dim. agnellus] Note the future tense: habitabit. This is not how things are now, but how they will be in the ideal future described in the Biblical book of Isaiah, 11.

2726. Sicut agnos inter lupos.

The words are from the Biblical book of Luke, 10: ite ecce ego mitto vos sicut agnos inter lupos.

2727. Invenies multos, mores qui pelle sub agni celant luporum.

The proverbial "wolf in sheep's clothing" is transferred to the human world, where people with the character of wolves (mores luporum) are hiding that character in the clothing of a lamb: pelle sub agni.

2728. Sis animo magnus, sis moribus agnus.

The rhyme, magnus-agnus, reveals the medieval provenance of this saying.

2729. Mors lupi agnis vita.

This is a motto of the Ouseley family, and a family legend connects it to how a member of that family supposedly rescued a woman named Agnes (!) from an attack by a wolf.

2730. Lupus agnum vorat.

[voro: swallow, devour] Here is the context for the statement in William Perkins' commentary on the Biblical book of Hebrews: "lupus agnum vorat, pisces grandiores minutos deglutiunt, et canes in varia creaturarum genera involant et ea dilacerant, si earum copia illis fit."

2731. Piscem vorat maior minorem.

Notice how the object noun phrase, piscem minorem, wraps around the subject and verb.

2732. Piscis a capite olere incipit.

[incipio: begin] Metaphorically, this proverb famously implies that corruption starts from the "top" (a capite) - with those high in power.

2733. Sapere aude: incipe.

The words are from Horace, from his first book of verse Epistles: dimidium facti qui coepit habet: sapere aude, incipe.

2734. Ne nimis cito diligere incipias.

[nimis: very much, too much] Note that an adverb can be modified by another adverb as you see here: nimis cito, too quickly.

2735. Nemo erit amicus, ipse si te ames nimis.

Note that ipse agrees with the subject of the verb, ames: ipse si te ames nimis, if you yourself (ipse) love yourself (te) too much.

2736. Qui nimis probat, nihil probat.

This is a principle of medieval philosophy which seems to have gained a new life of its own in arguments being conducted on the Internet!

2737. Quod nimis miseri volunt, hoc facile credunt.

The words are from Seneca's tragedy, Hercules Furens.

2738. Nil nimis.

Without a verb, this adage prohibits any and all forms of excess: "nothing too much."

2739. Ne quid nimis.

Note that quid here has the force of aliquid. The statement is a variation on the previous saying, this time in the form of a negative prohibition: don't (fill-in-the-blank) anything too much - whatever it is, don't indulge in too much of it.

2740. Noli nimis alte volare.

The words are spoken by Daedalus to his son Icarus: O fili care, noli nimis alte volare.

2741. Non bene tutus erit, quisquis nimis ardua quaerit.

[quisquis: whoever, everyone who, each] The rhyme, erit-quaerit, reveals the medieval provenance of this saying, and the medieval pronunciation which no longer recognized the "ae" diphthong.

2742. Felix, alieno periculo quisquis sapit.

Compare the saying about learning from other's mistakes which you saw earlier: Vita est nobis aliena magistra.

2743. Quidquid discis, tibi discis.

You can find this excellent piece of advice in Petronius's Satyricon.

2744. Quidquid bene dictum est ab ullo, meum est.

The words are from one of Seneca's letters, 26.

2745. Quidquid fit cum virtute, fit cum gloria.

This is another one of the sayings collected by Publilius Syrus.

2746. Quidquid vis esse tacitum, nulli dixeris.

Note that the subjunctive here, dixeris, has the force of a command. This is yet another one of the sayings collected by Publilius Syrus.

2747. Cura, quidquid agis, te bene nosse magis!

The rhyme, agis-magis, reveals the medieval provenance of this saying.

2748. Quidquid agas, semper respice finem.

Here the subjunctive, agas, gives the saying a hypothetical quality: quidquid agas, "whatever you might do..."

2749. Quidquid agis, prudenter agas, et respice finem.

Here the subjunctive, agas, has the force of a command, parallel with the imperative, respice.

2750. Simia quidquid agit, simia semper erit.

The words suppy the moral to an Aesop's fable about the dancing monkeys: Nequidquam viles animae tolluntur in altum. / Simia, quidquid agas, simia semper erit. You can read an English version of the fable here.

Scala 56 (2751-2800)

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