Saturday, October 15, 2011

Latin Proverbs: 146 Most Frequent Words

The DR number, Diederich Rank, refers to the highest number in Diederich's frequency listing, which you can see here: Diederich Ranking.

DR 136. Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno. ~ Note: This is the motto of Alexandre Dumas' Three Musketeers. You can read more about the history of this saying at Wikipedia.

DR 137. Tanti eris aliis, quanti tibi fueris. ~ Note: Here you see the correlative use of tanti...quanti in the genitive, which is used descriptively, to express how something is valued, how much it is worth: how much you will be worth to others is how much you are worth to yourself!

DR 141. Omnia causa fiunt. ~ Note: Note that omnia is neuter plural nominative, while causa is ablative singular feminine - don't let that "a" ending fool you!

DR 141. Nihil fit sine causa. ~ Note: You can see this principle invoked by Cicero against the Epicurean philosophy, in his treatise De Finibus, 1(ait enim declinare atomum sine causa; quo nihil turpius physico, quam fieri quicquam sine causa dicere).

DR 141. Nihil in terra sine causa fit. ~ Note: You can find these words in the Biblical book of Job, 5.

DR 141. Bonum ex malo non fit. ~ Note: This is a contention advanced by the philosopher Seneca in his Epistles, 87.

DR 144. Nos iubere volumus, non iuberi. ~ Note: Note the contrast between the active infinitive, iubere, and the passive infinitive, iuberi.

DR 145. Qualis pater, talis filius. ~ Note: Compare the English saying, "Like father, like son." This saying is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, B247.

DR 146. Petite, et accepietis. ~ Note: Note the future tense form, accipietis. (Present indicative: accipitis; present subjunctive: accipiatis; future indicative: accipietis.)

DR 146. Qui petit a te, da ei. ~ Note: As often in Latin, the relative cause comes before its so-called antecedent. You can re-arrange the saying as: Da ei, qui petit a te. You can find this Biblical saying in Matthew 5:42.

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