Friday, October 28, 2011

Latin Proverbs: 158 Most Frequent Words

The DR number, Diederich Rank, refers to the highest number in Diederich's frequency listing, which you can see here: Diederich Ranking.

DR 154. Id quod volunt, credunt quoque. ~ Note: The idea here is that when someone wants something, they are quick to believe it. The words are from Quintilian.

DR 155. Cura omnia potest. ~ Note: Here cura has the positive sense of concern, care, attention, etc. So, by being careful, you can accomplish anything!

DR 157. Plus potest plurium cura. ~ Note: Here you have a nice play on words with plus, neuter singular, and plurium, genitive plural: The attentive effort of more people (plurium) can accomplish more (plus).

DR 157. E pluribus unum. ~ Note: This Latin motto appears on the seal of the United States of America, as you can see here: image.

DR 157. Solus in pluribus. ~ Note: This is a motto of the Forbes family.

DR 157. Quid plura dicam? ~ Note: Here the interrogative quid has the sense of why? for what reason?

DR 158. Scito teipsum. ~ Note: The famous admonition to "know thyself" was also the title of one of the philosophical treatises by Peter Abelard.

DR 158. Nullus omnia scire potest. ~ Note: You can also find the saying in these forms: "Nemo enim potest omnia scire" and "Nemo est, cui omnia scire datum sit."

DR 158. Hoc solum scio, quod nihil scio. ~ Note: You can see here how the word "quod" came to introduce indirect statement in later Latin: I know (this thing): that I know nothing.

DR 158. Hoc unum scio: me nihil scire. ~ Note: Note that "me nihil scire" is an accusative+infinitive construction in indirect statement: this one thing I know: (that) I know nothing.

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