Saturday, November 12, 2011

Latin Proverbs: 176 Most Frequent Words

The DR number, Diederich Rank, refers to the highest number in Diederich's frequency listing, which you can see here: Diederich Ranking.

DR 172. Genus est mortis male vivere. ~ Note: Note that the infinitive phrase "male vivere" is nominal here, the subject of the sentence, with "genus mortis" as the predicate noun phrase.

DR 173. Quis sine amico vivere possit? ~ Note: Note the subjunctive here: possit. This gives the question a hypothetical quality: Who could possibly live without a friend?

DR 173. Habes amicos, quia amicus ipse es. ~ Note: The pronominal ipse here agrees with the implied subject of the verb: quia (tu) ipse es amicus.

DR 173. Unus amicorum animus. ~ Note: The genitive expresses the idea of possession: There is one mind of friends = Friends have one mind.

DR 173. Unus Deus, et plures amici. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings Erasmus included in his Adagia, 3.4.88.

DR 173. Multus amicus, nullus amicus. ~ Note: Compare this similar saying: Amicus omnibus, amicus nemini. The idea is that someone who has too many friends is really no friend at all.

DR 173. Amici nec multi, nec nulli. ~ Note: Compare the saying in the Adagia of Erasmus, 3.6.37: Neque nullis sis amicus, neque multis.

DR 173. Nec nulli sis amicus, nec omnibus. ~ Note: If you are friendly towards someone in Latin, that requires the use of the dative as you can see here: omnibus is dative plural, and nulli is dative singular. Note also the nec... nec... construction, which is equivalent to "neither... nor..." in English.

DR 175. Vox unius, vox nullius. ~ Note: The Latin word "vox" expresses a whole range of meaning, including what we call "sound" in English, as well as "voice" and also the idea of "word" (hence "vocabulary," referring to a collection of words).

DR 176. Audiatur et altera pars. ~ Note: Note the subjunctive: audiatur. The word "et" is being used adverbially here: Let the other side also (et) be heard.

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