Saturday, July 31, 2010


The notes here are taken from the actual Scala, so be warned that references to the "previous" proverb refer to its order in the Scala, not its order here. You can read more about the word at the Verbosum blog: MEDICUS.

Errores medicorum terra tegit.

Medice, cura te ipsum. ~ Note: This is the wording of the saying as found in the Gospel of Luke, 4. This saying is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, B106.

Medice, tibi ipsi medicus esto. ~ Note: This expresses the same idea as the previous two sayings, this time with the future imperative: esto.

Medico male est, si nemini male est. ~ Note: Note the parallel use of datives here: medico... nemini.

Modicus cibi, medicus sibi. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 631. If features a double rhyme: modicus-medicus and cibi-sibi.

Morborum medicus omnium mors ultimus. ~ Note: Notice the interweaving the noun phrases "morborum omnium" (wrapped around medicus) and "ultimus medicus," the predicate, wrapped around the subject: mors. You can also find the saying in this form: Ultimus morborum medicus mors.

Non est opus valentibus medico, sed male habentibus. ~ Note: Here you see the ablative complement with opus est (medico), as well as the dative complements (valentibus, male habentibus). This saying is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, B150.

Omnis doloris tempus fit medicus. ~ Note: The word omnis is here in the genitive, agreeing with doloris: "Time is the doctor of all pain."

Plus a medico quam a morbo periculi. ~ Note: Compare the English word "iatrogenic," referring to illnesses caused by the physician's medical intervention.

Post mortem, medicus. ~ Note: This is an ironic saying: if the doctor arrives after the patient is already dead, he will not be of much help. Compare the saying you saw earlier: Medicina mortuorum sera est.

Sanus non eget medico, sed male habens.

Sermo irae medicus.

Tempus animae medicus. ~ Note: You need to be able to separate subject (tempus) from predicate (animae medicus) in this sentence: Time is the doctor of the soul.

Turba medicorum regem interfecit.

Medice, sana te ipsum. ~ Note: This saying, found in many variants, is featured in the Gospel of Luke, 4.

Medicus curat, natura sanat. ~ Note: As with so many proverbs, this one depends on a parallel structure: medicus/natura and curat/sanat.

Medici carnifices sub honesto nomine.

Aegroto mortuo, sero venit medicus.

Aliorum medicus, ipse ulceribus scates. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings Erasmus included in his Adagia, 2.5.38.

Abbati, medico, patronoque intima pande.

Aegroto animo medicus est oratio.

Animo laboranti medicus oratio est.

Antiquus bonus est medicus, tonsorque novellus.

Doloris medicus tempus.

Ex sutore medicus.

Fortuna, sicut medicus imperitus, multos necat.

Intemperantia medicorum nutrix.

Medici quoque saepe falluntur.

Medico et advocato noli tenere verum celatum.

Medico, patrono et confessario dic verum libere.

Medicorum errata terra tegit.

Medicus enim nihil aliud est quam animi consolatio.

Sanitatis custos medicus.

Sit medicus senex, tonsor iuvenis.

Solis medicis licet impune occidere.

Tristitiae medicus est ratio.

Turba medicorum perii.

Ultimus morborum medicus mors.

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