Saturday, July 31, 2010


The notes here are taken from the actual Scala, so be warned that references to the "previous" proverb refer to its order in the Scala, not its order here. You can read more about the word NOMEN at the Verbosum blog.

Sunt quidam non re, sed nomine homines.

Vive tibi et longe nomina magna fuge. ~ Note: This is a sentiment expressed in Ovid's Tristia, 3. Of course, if Ovid had taken such advice to heart earlier on in his life, he might never have had to write the Tristia at all!

Qui timet amicum, vim non novit nominis. ~ Note: The nomen here is the nomen of "amicus" itself, from the same root as the verb "amo" - and the opposite of a nemicus, an enemy or "non-friend." The Latin word "vis" is often used to indicate the "meaning" of a word (compare the English use of "force" to refer to the meaning of a statement). This is another one of the sayings collected by Publilius Syrus.

Melius est nomen bonum quam divitiae multae. ~ Note: The words are from the Biblical book of Proverbs, 22. You can also find the same idea expressed this way: Plus valet bonum nomen quam divitiae multae.

Bonum para nomen, et dormi secure.

Mutato nomine, de te fabula narratur.

Saepe sub nomine pacis bellum latet. ~ Note: You can find this idea invoked in Cicero's Philippics, 12.

Bonum nomen numquam exstinguitur. ~ Note: Here the metaphor implies that even when the flame of light goes out, the light of a good reputation keeps on shining.

Intrat amicitiae nomine tectus amor. ~ Note: Note that the ablative phrase, amicitiae nomine, goes with the passive participle: tectus, "hidden by the name of friendship."

O nomen dulce libertatis!

Dulcius est aere pretiosum nomen habere.

Bonae vitae numerus dierum; bonum autem nomen permanebit in aevo.

Ante lucrum nomen.

Bonum nomen, bonum omen. ~ Note: Although this saying is not exactly what I would consider a tongue-twister, it does show up on a List of Latin Tongue-Twisters.

Plus prodest omen felix, quam nobile nomen. ~ Note: Here the nomen and the omen are not considered in parallel, but rather in opposition to one another, with the "omen felix" outweighing the "nobile nomen."

Nomen, omen. ~ Note: This is a variation on the preceding proverb - a nomen can be an omen, either good (as in the previous saying)... or possibly not good, "ominous" in the English sense of that word.

Omne capax movet urna nomen.

Amicum an nomen habeas, aperit calamitas.

Bonum parato nomen, et securus cuba.

Medici carnifices sub honesto nomine.

Vulgare amici nomen, sed rara est fides.

Pacis nomine bellum involutum reformido.

Qui semel est furans, furis nomen sibi durans.

Si semel es furans, furis nomen cape durans.

Stat lapis et nomen tantum, vestigia nulla.

Multi nomen virtutis tantum usurpant; quid ipsa valeat, ignorant. ~ Note: Cicero: Nesciunt multi, nesciunt quantas vires virtus habeat: nomen virtutis tantum usurpant; quid ipsa valeat, ignorant.

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