Saturday, July 31, 2010


The notes here are taken from the actual Scala, so be warned that references to the "previous" proverb refer to its order in the Scala, not its order here. You can read more about the word at the Verbosum blog: DOMINUS.

Erat manus Domini cum eis. ~ Note: The words are from the Biblical book of Acts, 11.

Anno Domini = A.D. ~ Note: This Latin phrase is often abbreviated: A.D. For its use in the calendars of Europe, see this Wikipedia article.

Magna opera Domini. ~ Note: The words are from Psalms, 110.

Ducit Dominus. ~ Note: This is the motto of the Dirom family.

Omnia videt oculus domini. ~ Note: This is one of those proverbs where you could justify the word dominus either way: dominus, or Dominus. It all depends on the context. The master of the household has a watchful eye, but so does the Lord, watching all from heaven. Of course, proverbs are mainly used orally, rather than in writing - and capitalization is not an issue when you are speaking, only when you are writing.

Qualis dominus, talis et servus. ~ Note: You have seen other qualis...talis proverbs earlier: Qualis grex, talis lex; Qualis mater, talis et filia, etc.

Minus est quam servus dominus, qui servos timet. ~ Note: Here the adverb minus is modifying the verb: a master is less than a slave (minus est quam servus), if he fears his own slaves.

Dominus videt plurimum in rebus suis. ~ Note: This is from one of the fables of Phaedrus, the story of the stag in the stable.

Dominus dedit, Dominus abstulit. ~ Note: This saying is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, B217.

Duobus dominis ne servias. ~ Note: This takes the same idea as in the previous saying, and turns it into a prohibition: ne servias.

Nemo potest duobus dominis servire. ~ Note: The verb servire takes a dative complement: duobus dominis. The words are from the Gospel of Matthew, 6.

Nemo potest dominis digne servire duobus. ~ Note: Notice that the dative phrase, dominis duobus, wraps around the infinitive phrase, digne servire. Very elegant!

Nemo potest dominis pariter servire duobus. ~ Note: Note the adverbial form, pariter. You have seen similarly formed proverbs already, as in this motto: Fortiter, fideliter, feliciter.

Tu praesens cura; Domino committe futura. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 1382.

Pauper dominum, non sortem mutat. ~ Note: Note the parallel structure here: Pauper dominum (mutat), non sortem mutat. This is perfectly illustrated in the famous Aesop's fable by Phaedrus about the donkey and his pack-saddles.

Cave canem ac dominum. ~ Note: This expands on the usual "cave canem" warning!

Nisi Dominus, frustra. ~ Note: The verb is implied but not expressed here: Unless the Lord (guides, approves, supports what you are doing), it is in vain. This motto forms part of the crest of the city of Edinburgh, Scotland.

A morte aeterna libera nos, Domine! ~ Note: These words can be found in the Catholic liturgy.

Nihil facit servus, si multi domini imperent. ~ Note: Notice the subjunctive, imperent, which gives the statement a purely hypothetical quality.

Ridenti domino nec caelo crede sereno. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 1146: Ridenti domino nec caelo crede sereno; / ex facili causa dominus mutatur et aura.

Bonum est potius confidere in domino, quam in homine. ~ Note: The words are from Psalms, 117. This saying is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, B132.

Avarus auri custos, non dominus. ~ Note: This is another paradox of avarice: the miser is a special kind of servant - a "custos" - of his money, rather than its master.

Honora dominum. ~ Note: You can find this advice in the Biblical book of Proverbs, 3: Honora Dominum de tua substantia, et de primitiis omnium frugum tuarum da ei.

Oculus domini in agro fertilissimus est. ~ Note: This saying is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, A267.

Dominus pauperem facit et ditat. ~ Note: This saying is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, B69.

Nemo potest dominis simul inservire duobus. ~ Note: This saying is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, B47.

Non tentabis Dominum Deum tuum. ~ Note: Here the verb tentare has the sense of putting on trial, testing, etc.; see the Gospel of Matthew, 4. This saying is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, B11.

Numquam caelesti Domino placuere scelesti. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 784.

Non vult verna probus dominis servire duobus. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 772.

Catelli edunt micas quae cadunt de mensa dominorum suorum. ~ Note: This saying is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, B29.

Ab amico indiscreto libera nos, Domine! ~ Note: This item is listed in Tosi, 1276.

Spes reficit dominum, fallit et ipsa suum. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 193: Cum spes frustratur, non spes, sed poena vocatur; / spes reficit dominum, fallit et ipsa suum.

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