Saturday, July 31, 2010


The notes here are taken from the actual Scala, so be warned that references to the "previous" proverb refer to its order in the Scala, not its order here. You can read more about the word at the Verbosum blog: HIC.

Quod sumus, hoc eritis. ~ Note: Guess where you find this expression...? Carved on a tombstone, alerting passers-by to their certain fate!

Hoc unum scio: me nihil scire. ~ Note: Note that "me nihil scire" is an accusative+infinitive construction in indirect statement: (that) I know nothing.

Quod tibi vis fieri, hoc fac alteri. ~ Note: This is a fuller version of the previous saying, with the verbs stated explicitly. Notice how fieri serves as the passive of facere: That which you want done to you, do to another.

Quod tibi, hoc alteri. ~ Note: This is another succinct statement of the Golden Rule, with the verb implied by not stated: That which you (do) to another, (should be what you would do) for yourself.

Hoc unum certum est: nihil esse certi. ~ Note: The word "certi" here is in the genitive singular, an example of the so-called partitive genitive which you can find used with the word "nihil" - in English we say "nothing certain" but in Latin you say "nihil certi," "nothing (of) certain." (Compare the English "I'll have none of that!")

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. ~ Note: You can read more about this logical fallacy at Wikipedia.

Patria mea totus hic mundus est.

Quod in corde, hoc in ore. ~ Note: This is the flipside of the previous saying, this time praising the person who says what they think: What is in their mouth is that which is in their heart (on their mind, etc.).

Hic perierat et inventus est. ~ Note: This saying is included by Polydorus in his Adagia, B237.

Nobiliter vivens et agens, haec nobilis est gens. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 691. Compare the earlier sayings you saw about true nobility: "Animus facit nobilem" and "Virtutem, si vis nobilis esse, cole."

Hoc sustinete, maius ne veniat malum. ~ Note: These words come from Phaedrus's version of the fable of the frogs who wanted a king.

Cui deest pecunia, huic desunt omnia. ~ Note: Here you see the datives again - cui, huic - although the saying is not an endorsement of the ascetic lifestyle that you saw in the previous sayings!

Hoc retine verbum: frangit Deus omne superbum!.

Hoc portat leviter, quod portat quisque libenter. ~ Note: This saying is famously included by Rabelais in his Gargantua and Pantagruel, 3.

Haec olim meminisse iuvabit.

Nunc hunc, nunc illum consumit gladius.

Quae fieri fas est, tempore haec fiunt suo.

Multa rogare, rogata tenere, retenta docere: haec tria discipulum faciunt superare magistrum. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 643.

Cui deus auxilio est, huic onus omne leve est. ~ Note: Note the predicate use of auxilio: deus auxilio est. In English, you might say "god is a helper" or "god is helpful."

Hunc fidum dico, bene qui succurrit amico. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 510.

Piscium vita haec, minorem maior ut devoret. ~ Note: You can see this traditional proverb illustrated in a bizarre and fascinating engraving by Pieter Bruegel the Elder: image.

Manus haec inimica tyrannis. ~ Note: The full phrase reads: Manus haec inimica tyrannis ense petit placidum sub libertate quietem.

Otia qui sequitur, veniet huic semper egestas.

Quae enim seminaverit homo, haec et metet.

Ut strasti lectum, super hunc sic vade cubatum. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings collected by Wegeler, 1420.

Qui inspuerit in cavernam formicarum, huic intumescant labra. ~ Note: This is one of the sayings Erasmus included in his Adagia, 4.6.80.

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